Did I find the weakest link?

Marc Swanson mswanson at sonitrol.net
Mon Feb 23 12:13:37 EST 2004

> > Jim Green's solution avoids that problem, right?
> Yes, but I just though of another problem for most
> people here.  You can't run it like I do with CIS
> because it would throw off all the fueling by
> introducing unmetered air into the system.

yep, won't work correctly with CIS or even mass-flow EFI.

I used a similar one-way valve setup on my 4ktq, except with one of
those old-school CIS warmup valves instead of the electronic ISV.  

a pic:


The valve I used came off the brake booster on an 80q parts car.

87' 4ktq
88' 90q

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