MC-1 MC-2 - Block any difference?

JShadzi at JShadzi at
Mon Feb 23 14:02:35 EST 2004

Sure, the MC2 really responds well in the low end, specially with turbo spool up, though if you're shooting for 350+hp, the extra 10 ft lbs of torque in the MC2 isn't really noticeable if you can make another 50hp in the power band.  I dynoed (in my MC2'd 80tq) about 250 wheel HP on street gas, and about 300 WHP with 1/2 100 octane, timing was maxxed out on the street gas.  


>What about low-end torque?  I'd expect to be getting some gains here with
>the MC-2.  Correct?
>To add some more information - I plan to use the 3B Motronic fuel injection
>which I can chip as desired.
>I will also be using the T3/T4 turbo probably with factory 2-peice manifold
>and plenty-big exhaust.
>Intake will either be stock MC head or considering NG head and maifold -
>either way enlarged valveing, port and polish in the works.
>So I plan to do the MC-2 bottom end at this point, but looks like I can do
>this using an MC-1 block and install the MC-2 pistons and crank.
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: <JShadzi at>
>To: "Jim Green" <jeg1976 at>; "Ben Swann" <benswann at>;
><quattro at>
>Sent: Monday, February 23, 2004 1:22 PM
>Subject: Re: MC-1 MC-2 - Block any difference?
>> I agree with Jim on the 15psi, I'd say up to 300 crank HP you're fine with
>the MC2 and street gas, but above that range the MC2 gets very sensitive
>aobut ignition timing, and the MC1 is a much better motor to tune.  Now
>throw in some 100 octane in the picture and the MC2 is perfect.
>> Javad
>> >
>Jim Green wrote:
>> >Ben, they are the same in every way except for the
>> >pistons, so you can mix and match whatever you want.
>> >
>> >The only problem I have with the MC-2 is the higher
>> >compression. If you're really going to hod rod the
>> >ur-q, then you probably want the MC. The MC-2 gets
>> >really testy above 15 psi on pump gas. The MC is much
>> >easier to tune, and you can run a pretty normal
>> >advance on high boost. I saw timing levels in the low
>> >single digits at high boost on the MC-2. Now with my
>> >stacked headgaskets, I'm usually -10 or more BTDC.
>> >Still not as good as a 20v will see, but much better
>> >than -4 dbtdc.
>> >
>> >Header=MC
>> >No header=MC-2
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