replacing a windshield

superba superba at
Tue Feb 24 02:31:01 EST 2004

Hi Scott,

I've had a number replaced, but, as tight as I am, I have never considered
doing it myself.  I once had a mobile replacement; 2 guys replaced it in my
driveway.  Of course they really knew what they were doing and it only took
30 to 45 minutes it seemed, anyway.  My cost on windshields?  Always nada,
zilch, zero.  I have low cost coverage from USAA which is far from
extravagant.  The windshield guys advertise replacement at no cost.  Don't
ask me, I don't know.  But you can't beat the price if you have insurance.

Someone mentioned the cost of the experience and the learning curve as well;
good advice, imho.

My .02.


Jim Jordan

>  Message: 6
>  Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2004 16:00:39 -0800 (PST)
>  From: Scott Mallett <mallettsc at>
>  Subject: replacing a windshield
>  To: quattro at
>  Message-ID: <20040224000039.96074.qmail at>
>  Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>  Has anyone replaced a windshield by themselves?  I have a nice
>  cracked windshield (stupid rocks,) and I am wondering if it is
>  worth replacing myself.
>  thanks!
>  Scott Mallett

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