Audi's on Ebay

SuffolkD at SuffolkD at
Tue Feb 24 16:14:02 EST 2004

I don't know the specifics about that dealer but he's ~25 miles from me so I 
might be able to take a look / picture etc.
There is an auto mag in the New England area AutoHunter.  There is a guy 
about ~6 miles from him in Amesbury MA (as of 2002) who sold Audis at deep 
My guess is he'd get them from dealers as trade ins.  Some at auctions 
Most were 100K plus, had cracks in the bumper covers and stone chips in the 
hood or side mirrors.  Not cosmetically perfect, but somewhat reflected the 
cheap prices.
These guys typically move around.. I've seen 6-8 cars in back lots of peoples 
Check as many local web sites (, Boston Globe classifeds, Ebay) 
and look for the same wording or phone/contact numbers.  It may answer some 
of your questions being so far away.
HTH - Scott by BOSTON

> Message: 7
> Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2004 17:09:40 -0700
> From: "John Gourley" <azaudi at>
> Subject: Audi's on Ebay
> To: "Audi quattro list" <quattro at>
> Message-ID: <BAY5-DAV84Vp20N39x600002b04 at>
> Content-Type: text/plain;    charset="iso-8859-1"
> A question about one dealer selling Audi's on Ebay...especially for you New 
> Hampshire listers.
> Their Audi's (and other makes too) are selling for much lower than the car 
> should be worth.  He puts in lots of pictures and most of the cars appear to 
> be good cars........but with the low prices there must be a catch?
> They are called Back Lot Bargains, located in Exeter, NH
> thanks
> John Gourley

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