Touareg/Cayenne fiasco Round 2 (Dakar)

Cody Forbes cody at
Sun Jan 4 03:58:03 EST 2004

Well now THAT was unexpected! Damn I missed the first day of coverage, was
too busy at NAPA getting told they forgot to order my brake pads. I'm almost
down to the backing, got lazy in my brake inspections and missed the fact
that they were low up front. What time is day 2 on tomorrow (I assume your
watching NASCAR ah I mean SPEED)?

-Cody Forbes
'86 5ktq
'86 5ktq EFI/K27
'88 80 4cyl
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Brady Moffatt" <bradym at>
To: "Quattro" <quattro at>
Sent: Sunday, January 04, 2004 1:41 AM
Subject: Touareg/Cayenne fiasco Round 2 (Dakar)

> Hi All,
> Happy Healthy New Year!
> After that wonderful thread about the Cayenne and Touareg (and Pikes Peak,
> if Porsche hadn't nixed it, or so said rumour), someone came up with the
> logical statement that all Porsche would have to do would be to build a
> competition pedigree for the Cayenne. Great idea! All potential marketing
> issues solved, right?
> Buuuut, guess what's been entered in this year's Dakar rally? Yup, works
> Touaregs! In today's coverage, I also noticed a turbodiesel BMW X5. No
> mention of a Cayenne. Porsche better hope that those works Touaregs don't
> well!
> Right now, they're running 3rd and 6th out of a class of 44 entrants, and
> 15th and 27th out of 137 cars overall.
> Oh, it's using a 2.3L 5 cylinder TDI engine! Hmm, I wonder.... Nah.
> Cheers,
> Brady
> Urq, 4kq, Z
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