New Years discoveries, etc.

tihol tiholov tihol.tiholov at
Mon Jan 5 16:19:23 EST 2004

I wrote:
> the car started this morning at minus 32 C
Kent McLean wrote:
>There's a lot to be said for synthetic oil. *But having
a fully charged (and warm) battery doesn't hurt.
Kent, in NH, where it's a balmy +38F

Synth oil - check (5 or 10 b4 W - can't remember) 
Fully charged battery - check (maint free - doing well)
Warm battery - hard to achieve at that temp, today was -35C, yeah, I used to have a blanky for it

Been living in this place (Interior BC) for 7.5 years and  the weather's been "highly unusual" ever since.  Tell ya one thing though - bring some of the global warming's mongerers around these parts and put them in tent, just to gather more comprehensive research data.


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