Rotella T: Dino vs. Synth.

William Magliocco magliocc at
Mon Jan 5 20:36:01 EST 2004

Eric, I think you have the "flavors" of Rotella mixed
up.  The _synthetic_ specs are right here:
 and these specs are quite similar to the various
synth. oils on your diagram.

The synthetic is a 5W40 oil.  Know it well, use it on
my 98 Jetta TDI.  Been getting it at China-Mart for
about $13/gal for quite some time, though I haven't
seen it there lately.

The 15W40 you refer to is the dino multi vis oil that
is the main product in the Rotella line, sold in
truckstops from coast to coast.


Bill M.

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