NAC - looking for Destop and Project Management Software

Ben Swann benswann at
Tue Jan 6 12:18:00 EST 2004

[Warning: Major NAC - delete if not interested]

OK now - I've refrained so far.  In my past life some may have considered me
to be on the level of Unix Guru.  I had penty of time to experiment with
various platforms OS's, languages and utilities because that is what I was
paid to do.  Now all that has changed and I don't carry a Solaris server in
my back pocket, and let's face it -  It takes time to switch OS's even with
dual boot configurations and lightning fast hardware.

Right now for various reasons, including time, consider me constrained to
use things of the MS/WINTEL world - good, bad or indifferent.  Mainly I now
use the computer as a means to an end and not the other way around.

 I'm looking for something to help my productivity really - essentially from
the perspective of the "dumb" end user that I used to poke fun at.
Productivity software that make my computer an electronic version of  my day
minder - only so much more.  It is a shame that MS has not really done much
to seamlessly integrate the Offiice products since Office 97.  Outlook seems
to be no more than part of a pig with lipstick, as up front it seems to have
a lot of what I want to do, but really doesn't pull all the apps together
like it should.  My version is from Office 97, so maybe there has been some
improvement, but that is not what I've been told, and now I admit it is
expensive to purchase the latest and greatest from MS - which is prolly why
Linux is the answer for many.  But even with Open/Star Office, I did not see
what I wanted, so I think it would not solve my need.

With that said I'm open to suggestions, and may even take time to install
Linux, etc...someday.  And I hope all this contributes to more than being
just NAC, as I'm not the only lister who uses their computer for more than
games or web surfing.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "George Harris" <harchris at>
To: "Ben Swann" <benswann at>
Cc: "Todd Young" <auditodd at>
Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2004 9:00 AM
Subject: Re: NAC - looking for Destop and Project Management Software

> Hi Ben:
> I am downloading OpenOffice as I write this. Thanks Todd. I was looking
> for a more recent version of StarOffice.
> Ben - I don't know how involved you want to get in this, or your
> computer experience and expertise, but if you have the skills or want to
> develop them, I would suggest you look at Linux. It would probably be
> easier to get a free software program from the Linux community
> considering that Linux itself is free.
> Good luck
> George
> Ben Swann wrote:
> >>>I am impressed with the capabilities of Star Office. It contains a
> >>>spreadsheet, word processor, database, and the capability to read and
> >>>write most of the competing formats. I didn't know it had a Project
> >>>Management Component.
> >>
> >>-- 
> >>Todd Young
> >>7079 Dawn Ave. E.
> >>Inver Grove Heights, MN 55076
> >>

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