quattro Digest, Vol 3, Issue 23

Alan Pritchard apritchard at seaeye.com
Wed Jan 7 11:09:45 EST 2004

My mistake, just been confirmed by someone in the office!!!!! Oops, I
thought I knew that for years....
 -----Original Message-----
From: 	Dan DiBiase [mailto:d_dibiase at yahoo.com] 
Sent:	07 January 2004 16:07
To:	Alan Pritchard; Quattro List (E-mail)
Subject:	RE: quattro Digest, Vol 3, Issue 23

Nope, it's Ford. They own Jaguar and also Volvo, Land Rover and Aston
Martin. Interesting how an American automaker - not really known for
producing quality vehicles themselves (see my '99 Windstar POS) can
improve Jaguar's quality dramatically. Guess that says a lot about how bad
Jaguar were....!

Dan D
'04 A4 1.8T q MT-6
Central NJ USA
--- Alan Pritchard <apritchard at seaeye.com> wrote:
> I believe jag is owned by bmw is it not....... Hence the good
> reliability....

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