Urq's and the 016 transmission

Pedro Faria quattrocs at hotmail.com
Thu Jan 8 16:20:52 EST 2004



>From: "Louis-Alain RICHARD" <laraa at sympatico.ca>
>To: "'Dave Glubrecht'" <daveglu at hotmail.com>, <quattro at audifans.com>
>Subject: RE : Urq's and the 016 transmission
>Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2004 00:44:53 -0500
>My, my, it's my evening.
>For those with The Family Album, when you select the transmission section
>(number 3) and the sub-section 00, you'll see a fraction in the remarks
>column: this is the final drive ratio you are looking for.
>Example, for the 84 4kq, you'll find 37/9, that is 4.11.
>For the urQ 1983, 35/9 gives 3.89.
>and so on.
>For the gear ratios, I will need some help...
>83 urQ with the huge gap between 2nd and 3rd.
>-----Message d'origine-----
>Could you explain the different 016 trans available and what they were in?
>Correct me where wrong
>Anyplace I can find this run down?
>84 4kq   411 final drive gears
>85-6 4kq higher but where?
>UrQ  higher  389?  final drive? available in anything else?
>5kq   final drive??
>coupe use a FWD version of the 016?  final drive?
>Dave G
> >
> > The UrQ also has a 016 tranny, just different ratios than those
> > on the 4Kq.  The 4Kq is geared shorter due to its less powerful engine.
> > The downside is that in 5th cruising at highway speeds, the engine
> > revs are a bit higher.
> >
> > -Ti
>quattro mailing list
>quattro at audifans.com


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