7A to 3B conversion using 7A head and MC2 block?

Ben Swann benswann at comcast.net
Fri Jan 9 14:21:06 EST 2004

Could I use the MC-2 Pistons and NG/NF crank and rods or???

I'm trying to understand the differences more clearly.

I thought the 3B bottom end was nearly identical to the MC-2.  Where is the
compression difference?

Is there a major difference in the 7A head and 3B.  I take it the cams are
way different, or can compensation be made by sprocket to belt alignment.

I have the feeling I may be better off dealing with the MC-2 bottom and MC-1
head and FI that I was going for originally. Then I can implement EFI

I definately don't want to get into the possibility of melting pisons or

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Alan Kramer" <ackramer at hotmail.com>
To: <apritchard at seaeye.com>; <quattro at audifans.com>; <benswann at comcast.net>
Sent: Friday, January 09, 2004 10:45 AM
Subject: RE: 7A to 3B conversion using 7A head and MC2 block?

> Yes, you need to either decide whether to use only the old style cam
> gears and water pump or only the new style.   Square vs. rounded teeth.
> Ben, you're going to have problems using a NF/G pistons because there are
> valve pockets...and there is not enough meat there to cut them in and
> enough metal to keep from burning through IMHO.   I'd recommend using 7A
> pistons and a thick head gasket.
> -----------------------------------
> Alan Kramer
> http://www.geocities.com/audikramer
> '83 CGT 20vt
> '86 4kcsq
> '90 V8q
> '83 UrQ #519 (recipient)
> '91 V8q (engine donor)
> -----------------------------------
> >
> >Pretty sure the cr would be low enough to still run some serious boost
> >levels.  But wasn't there some sort of issue about the cambelt on the
> >10v/20v hybrids?
> >
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