87 5kTQ rear diff fluid change

Kurt W. Deschler desch at WPI.EDU
Sat Jan 10 09:17:25 EST 2004

You have to take off the gas tank skid plate to fill the rear diff. Be
careful not to break off those bolts/mounts or touch the fuel tank at all
as rust chunks may be holding back fuel leaks. Clean the plugs good before
attempting to open them. Sears has the 17mm hex key. You should be able to
fill both using a long hose attached to a funnel that is well above
the fill plug level and letting gravity (slowly) do the work. Finally, if
it is not leaking now, wait til after inspection for the fluid change. The
last thing you want is to replace seals or the fuel tank now. When you do
have extra time, you may want to clean up the accessable parts of the fuel
tank and re-spray it with under coat.

	'87 5kcstq
	'88 vw gti 16v

> Message: 8
> Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2004 11:19:07 -0400
> From: "Sean Shoemaker" <shoemakersp at comcast.net>
> Subject: 87 5kTQ rear diff fluid change
> To: <quattro at audifans.com>
> Message-ID: <002201c3d6c3$ecee1aa0$6701a8c0 at seanshoe>
> Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="iso-8859-1"
> Hello all, I am looking to service the rear diff on the above mentioned
> 87 5kTQ and I was looking for any pointers.  I had plans to run by the
> dealer to pick up the requisite fluid.  I thought I would do the tranny
> at the same time.  Should I be getting the GL-4 or the GL-5.  I am
> currently thinking the GL-4 per the Bentley.  Curiousity, what is the
> difference and are there any pitfalls or short cuts I should be aware of
> when doing this.  As always thanks to everyone for your time.  I am out
> to make big things happen tomorrow to get my wagon ready for
> reinspection. -Sean
> '87 5000 TQ wagon

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