'88 90 sedan stupid ?

Tom Reynolds kjtar at earthlink.net
Sun Jan 11 00:37:50 EST 2004

Newbie here, and in addition a long distance father with a daughter who
just bought a '88 90 5 cyl 5 speed sedan.  A guy was with her today
(friend's fiance) and opened up the hood, checked condition of oil, etc.
Now that she has the car back home, she's having trouble getting the hood
open.  She found the interior hood release, but when I was talking to her
on the phone, she thought she felt something in the center, a bit to the
right (as she was facing the car) but couldn't get it to open.  So, if
there's anyone who can shed some light on this (admittedly) very basic
question, and also seeing that it might be easier to *do* rather than
*explain*, I know she'd appreciate it.  

Poor kid had a tough day, too.  Before seeing the Audi she went to a place
in Elmhurst, IL (any IL listers here?) and, well, this is what happened.
As I say, I'm in Arizona, so I was off and on a phone with the poor kid
(well, she's 28) for most of the morning...

My daughter test drove a car at Elite Car Outlet in Elmhurst Illinois
yesterday (January 10, 2004).  She decided not to purchase it and left.
While driving to look at another car, she realized she'd left her purse in
the car she'd test driven.  She called me and asked if I would please call
them and have them check to see if her purse was in the car.  I called,
spoke to the salesman she'd been dealing with, he checked and said the
purse was in the car.  I asked him to please put it in the office, as they
were hurrying back to retrieve the purse.  When my daughter got back, $300
was missing.  These were new crisp bills, in sequential order.  Now they
were wrinkled, dirty, and out of order.  Draw your own conclusions.  The
Elmhurst police are investigating.  Incidentally, if anyone wants to spread
this around, please be my guest, as I'd hate for someone else to be
victimized.  The Elmhurst police officer did tell her that they'd had
complaints (not sure what kind) about that place before.

Thanks very much,
Tom Reynolds
Hereford, AZ (with daughter in Crystal Lake, IL)

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