quattro Digest, Vol 3, Issue 49 Odd power steering observation.

Larry C. Leung l.leung at juno.com
Sun Jan 11 15:59:51 EST 2004

Just talked to a non-lister '93 100CSQA friend experiencing slightly
colder temps
upstate. He hasn't noticed a difference, but due to vacay, hasn't driven
much either. 
Of course his car, like mine, makes those lovely plastic squeaky noises
from the 
interior by the steering column, but that's not the issue now, is it?


On Sun, 11 Jan 2004 13:12:13 -0700 Zsolt <zsolt1 at telusplanet.net> writes:
> I still have my original steering rack, but I never experienced any 
> differences in steering effort in cold temperatures, and it does get 
> down to -30C and even below here in Alberta. I use Pentosin, and my 
> current car is an 88 5ktq, but before I had other 5k models and non 
> of 
> them had any of those issues, except for one that I had the high 
> pressure hydraulic hose changed with a rebuilt one, that had no 
> restrictor. That was harder to steer, and was "shaky", but again, no 
> differences in cold weather.
> Cheers,
>   Zsolt
> Larry C. Leung wrote:
> >I found the opposite. Driving the 200Q (fresh 2nd re-built rack 
> (don't
> >ask!)) in 
> >- 2 degree F weather. Steering quite heavy in highway driving, 
> parking
> >only 
> >somewhat heavier than usual, lightens up after about 15 minutes of
> >driving, 
> >although not to usual, non-artic weather condition. I would have to 
> say
> >this
> >is about what I expected in the cold we're having, your situation 
> seems
> >to be
> >the opposite of what I would expect for ANY oil. Anyone with any 
> ideas?
> >
> >LL - NY
> >
> >
> >  
> >
> >  
> >

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