which Redline synthetic tranny fluid 4k quattro?

Brady Moffatt bradym at sympatico.ca
Tue Jan 13 22:39:51 EST 2004

You have it backwards. MT90 GL4 for the tranny (I've found MTL to be too
thin, even in very cold conditions), and 75W90 GL5 in the rear diff. Had
them in there for a couple of years with no complaints and quiet, easy
shifting in all conditions encountered so far.

HI Mark,

Oh, yeah, here's the usual reminder: make sure you can remove the fill plugs
before you remove the drain plugs.

Urq, 4kq, Z, all running Redline diff and tranny oils and Mobil1 synth motor

-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:quattro-bounces at audifans.com]On
Behalf Of mark wolfson

I am ready to put synthetic transmission oil in my 1985 4k quattro. It is
GL4 80 or 90 Weight. So, I want to use Redline 75w 90W synthetic
transmission oil. Is this the right one? I know my rear diff is a locker and
would take MT90.

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