Strange cooling behavior at 0F ambient

Konstantin Bogach konstantin.bogach at
Wed Jan 14 10:20:21 EST 2004

I have two 200tq '89,  one is MC1 and another is MC2,  not that it 
matters,  and one warms up quicker and to normal temp and another stays 
at 1/4 and warms up slower.
If the latter idles long and  I do city driving then it can reach normal 
temp at 1/2.  Otherwise it stays at 1/4 and fan never comes up.  Oil 
temp is also lower than on another car.
I think it is bad termostat and taking into account that I am not alone 
it looks like, if I am right, that teromstats have pretty high rate of 
failure.  Mine is new,  15Kmi,  by th way.

Konstantin  (at sea level)

From: "Rocket Science Racing" <rocketscienceracing at>

>Thanks, Tom and Chris, for your replies. So there are at least 3 of us out
>there with cars that are either broken or normal!
> -----Original Message-----
>From: 	tom winter [mailto:tom at]
>Sent:	Monday, January 12, 2004 10:04 AM
>Other folks (and I'm thinking true experts like Huw and his type) may have
>more insights, but I live at 8,500 ft in the rocky mountains. My temp gauge
>on my old 86 4000cs, as well as the one on my 5000csqa (when it drove, see
>postings) as well as the 89 100 that I'm tooling around in now spent a lot
>of time at 1/4 when it was really cold. When I head down to lower, warmer
>climes, like Boulder, Co which sits at 6000ft, the gauge acts "normal" again
>and goes up to the middle. So, I don't know what "normal" is, but the
>behavior of your gauge sounds normal to me from my experiences.
>on 1/12/04 9:58 AM, rocketscienceracing at at
>rocketscienceracing at wrote:
>>As some of us have no doubt noticed, the last week or so saw some 0
>to -10F
>>weather here in the Northeast. Nothing compared to certain other climes,
>>my 98A41.8 sure acted funny.
>>At those temperatures the coolant temperature guage, normally rock solid
>>straight up (half way) once the engine is fully up to temperature, would
>>rise above 1/4 up. It was almost as if I had a stuck thermostat. I say
>>because engine temperature did not vary with speed. Now that the temps
>>returned to above 0F it is acting normally again.
>>So, is this normal? Anyone else experience this?

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