Overpriced maintenance parts

mike mikemk40 at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 15 20:29:53 EST 2004

or $150 from www.cheap_cats-R-us.com

Also i thought i read that if you are in the states
audi have to sort cats out till the car is 10


 --- George Harris <harchris at smokesignal.net> wrote: >
Working on a friend's car I noticed that the tail
> pipe behind the cat on 
> his '95 80Q V6 is leaking exhaust. I checked it out
> and it's rusted 
> through just in front of the flange and it looks
> like it can be welded. 
> Just for fun I decided to check out the price in
> case I really screw up 
> the welding job, or so I'll know how much I'm saving
> him if it works ;-)
> Can $1500.00 !!!! That's for one side ! Haven't the
> Germans found a 
> replacement for the gold and platinum that they put
> in the Cats?
> Makes buying a parts car look all that more
> attractive, but where do you 
> find 8 year old parts cars?
> Cheers
> George
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