quattro Digest, Vol 3, Issue 90 - Re:Type 81 and 85 classifications

Larry C. Leung l.leung at juno.com
Sat Jan 17 09:34:55 EST 2004


The Audi known in the US as the Fox was the 2nd gen Model 80
in Europe, sometime in '74ish. It ended in '80 or '81. The type 81 
(US 4000) in 2-dr and 4-dr came in '82, so type 81's are NOT 
Foxes. The Fox chassis (haven't the bother to look up the # in 
Audiworld, not that interested, if you are, look it up), was also 
used for the US model Dasher, which ran about the same time. 
It was not as good a car as the slightly smaller A1 US Rabbit
(nee Golf Mk.1) and Scirocco, but was significantly better than
it's contemporary UrBeetle.....

LL - NY (okay, I'm old enough to admit I grew up and actually
drove these cars. New. And legally. And I could legally drink at
18, but that's another story.....)

> Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2004 14:17:57 EST
> From: SuffolkD at aol.com
> Subject: Re:Type 81 and 85 classifications
> To: quattro at audifans.com, quattrocs at hotmail.com, ti at amb.org
> Message-ID: <d6.160569d.2d3992e5 at aol.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
> Ti et al:
> >From your quote: "The correct classification, IME, is that the type 
> 81
> only includes 4-cylinder FWD models." I ask whether the 1981 model 
> year 5 
> plus 5 is a type 81 or 85? I'd guess type 81.
> I can see Pedros' 81 and 85 generalization as the body seems 
> restyled from 
> the 4000's between 1980 and 1984.  
> The body restyle brought us the 85-87 years in near copy form. 
> Before 1980 
> the fox was the smaller car body.
> The quattro sedan (not Ur-Q) was introduced in 1984 and the next 
> year the 
> body style was "facelifted."
> IMHO the euros look better but the quads illuminate better.  Quads 
> also let 
> track enthusiasts remove one light for ram air induction to the 
> airbox.
> -SCott by BOSTON
> > From: Ti Kan <>
> > Subject: Re: was Re: Focus wheels on a CGT? is typ 81 and 85
> > To: quattrocs at hotmail.com (Pedro Faria)
> > 
> > Pedro writes:
> > > Type 81 cars are the 4000's with the double headlights 1984 and 
> prior
> > > type 85 cars are the 4000's with the aero headilights 1985 to 
> 1987
> > > got to www.audiworld.com or www.audistory.com
> > > i like the second one better
> > Like Huw says, it's not quite that clear cut.  Early quad-light 
> UrQ
> > and Coupes are also type 85.  The 85-87 "aero" headlight 4000 
> 4-cyl FWD
> > cars are still type 81.  So these pretty much throws the above 
> classification
> > out of the water.  The correct classification, IME, is that the 
> type 81
> > only includes 4-cylinder FWD models.  All 5-cyl 4000s and Coupes 
> (including
> > quattros) are type 85.
> > -Ti
> > 

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