Oh darn... oil seal saga and an extra part

David Thoresen david at epicfoto.com
Sat Jan 17 15:30:20 EST 2004

After getting the TB on etc, I was about to throw away the old oil 
seal... and realized there is a little round "spring" in there... 
(insert expletive here)  looking at a brand new spring sitting right 
next to me...  so how important is that spring in the oil seal... it 
looks like it could be important... but I don't want to button up the 
rest of the front end till I find out...

my next problem is... which seal is it for (crank or cam!)  I might 
have to buy 2 new ones if my first guess isn't right.  :(

Tightening the crank bolt is another little issue... Jumping up and 
down on the bolt with the car in 5th gear makes the whole crank turn,  
am I doing something wrong here?

Thanks everyone for your help!!!

1990 90q 20v

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