Synth changeover

David duandcc_forums at
Tue Jan 20 11:47:51 EST 2004

I have found that the leaks eventually clear themselves up, although it has taken as long as a year of dripping for them to go away. What seems to happen is that gunk covers up the seals preventing them from staying mosist and swollen (and properly sealed), once the synthetic cleans the gunk that was acting as a gasket, leaks appear. Now, over time the seals will re-plump themselves up and the leaks go away. That has been my experience when converting several older/questionable engines to synthetic. My NG is now leaking from somewhere up front less than 3,000 miles since switching to Mobile 1, she was tight before the switch. I'm sure she will heal up soon.

87.5 CGT
SE Virginia
From: "Doug Yoder" <yoderw at>
Date: 2004/01/20 Tue AM 11:40:09 EST
To: quattro at
Subject: Re: Synth changeover

Al Powell said:
> Synth oils ARE more detergent than most (if not all - had to throw in a
> qualifier) conventional oils. They also tend to wick better and can
> therefore work through loose gaskets. As a result, they not only have the
> potential to loosen deposits in the engine, they also can create slow
> leaks where none previously existed. However, if they do leak, it means
> there was a problem in the first place, not that they created the
> problem.

I've been following the dino vs. synth debate.  It is said that "synth
finds leaks"... So, (completely hypothetically, since I can't afford synth
stuff anyway...) if I were to switch from dino to synth on an engine of
uncertain condition, and all of a sudden oil leaks start appearing, what
is the solution?  Replace every leaking seal?  Obviously the ideal
situation is to be the first owner of the car (but if I can't even afford
synth oil...)

Just a question for a slow day...

|    Doug Yoder    |   wdy at   |    |
|  Don't tell me the sky's the limit...                                |
|                                  ...there's footprints on the moon.  |

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