LAC: A real Golf Syncro!

Rocky Mullin caliban at
Wed Jan 21 14:46:43 EST 2004

	driving in tahoe last week i saw a golf synchro that was all jacked
up and had lots of off road gear on it.  so hot!  we were honking and waving
and giving him the thumbs up.  dunno if many people in yuppie A4s do that,
but he was smiling.

At 5:03 PM -0500 1/20/04, Louis-Alain RICHARD wrote:
>For sale in Toronto.
>I am wondering: is this a full-time AWD with a transverse engine?
>In the Euro-ETKA, section 5-25 shows a viscous coupling and the rear diff
>has an underdrive ratio of 20/21 = 0.95 . So there must be some torque going
>to the rear diff all the time.
>Am I right in my understanding?
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  Rocky Mullin              | |

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