[s-cars] 93 urS4: no turn over, no start, no jump

Mihnea Cotet mik at info.fundp.ac.be
Wed Jan 21 22:32:43 EST 2004

Starter motor solenoid?

Just a late thought (4:32 a.m. here)


At 21:28 21/01/2004 -0600, Billing, Eric wrote:
>Patient: 93 urS4 111K miles, I'm guessing with original battery (I've
>had the car for 3 years and 35K miles)
>0 degrees F outside this evening. Turn the key---absolutely nothing. No
>click, no starter engagement, certainly no start.
>Call AAA---they bring big tow truck. Try portable power pack jump---no
>luck. Hook up to the big truck---no luck. Wait 5 minutes staying warm in
>big truck before trying again----no luck.
>No click, no starter, no start.
>If the battery is deader than the doornail---why wouldn't the jump start
>What else should I check?
>Eric Billing
>Eagan, MN
>eric.billing at ugsplm.com
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