On-list advertisements/long sigs

Rocky Mullin caliban at sharon.net
Fri Jan 23 12:47:45 EST 2004

At 11:06 AM +0000 1/23/04, Robert Mangas wrote:
>  FWIW, the policy on the Miata powerlist I subscribe to allows for 
>ONE post to alert the members of parts which are available.  No 
>commercial posts, and no ebay links.  The idea is that it's cool to 
>let the other people on the list have first crack at whatever you've 
>got for sale.  Works well, and it _is_ nice to get an opportunity to 
>buy before the general public, as it were...  To be fair, however, 
>there's no list-specific marketplace there.

	personally, i prefer this approach.  i generally offer the item at a
little bit of a discount to my listie friends before it goes to auction.

  Rocky Mullin              |
  http://votetoimpeach.org/ |

"It is enough that the people know there was an election.
  The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people
  who count the votes decide everything."  - Josef Stalin

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