NAC 3 MORE Ads on list Marketplace and Ebay

Stephen Kormilo stephen at
Sat Jan 24 19:31:20 EST 2004

At 04:44 PM 24/01/04 -0500, quattro-request at wrote:

>From: Dan Cordon <cord4530 at>
>Subject: Re: NAC 3 MORE  Ads on list Marketplace and Ebay
>To: Quattro List <quattro at>
>Message-ID: <4012E71B.86969809 at>
> > Well, if you're outside the US and receive payments on a Premier account,
> > Paypal now rips you off 4.2% on each transaction... oh well, I can live
> > with that...
> >
> > Mihnea
> >
>Not bad odds. I mean, if you're inside the US, and selling to someone in
>Nigeria, chances are you'll get ripped off for about 135%!!

Please try to avoid using the word "Nigeria" in posts ;-)   I have Eudora 
'filter' any message containing that word into a 'special' folder and had 
to retrieve the entire quattro digest from there, instead of my 'Cars' 
folder.  What about using N*geria instead?  Ooops, just realized this 
message will result in the next digest going  to the wrong place ;-)  Oh, 
well, I guess that I will survive.

>And I beg do differ on Richards comments. While all the discussion about
>Paypal may not effect peoples decisions to use or not use it, I think it
>*is* influencing many people to subscribe to the list in 'digest mode'
>instead of real-time. :oP
>Dan Cordon
>Mechanical Engineer - Engine Research Facility
>University of Idaho

Stephen Kormilo
Winnipeg, MB

Silver 2002 Audi A4 3.0QM
Now departed:   Silver '98.5 Audi A4 2.8QM
                            Black '85 Mazda Rx7 GSL-SE

email: skormilo at
           stephen at

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