1990 Coupe Quattro

LRGreger at aol.com LRGreger at aol.com
Sun Jan 25 11:00:12 EST 2004

I'm looking for some advice.  I currently have within my family a '97 A4q (daughter drives), a '97 Cabriolet (wife drives), and an '88 80q.  The latter was my first Audi and is still around for sentimental reasons, but at ~180,000 mi (odometer no longer working), it's seldom driven and I really need to get rid of it.  I'm currently driving a '95 Saab convertible, but want to replace it with an Audi.

I have an opportunity to purchase a 1990 coupe quattro with 102,000 mi.  I won't have an opportunity to drive the coupe quattro before purchase, so I'm looking for some advice on whether or not to buy it.  I'll have a mechanic check out the car, so the car's mechanics aren't a significant concern to me.  What is of concern is whether I'll enjoy driving the car.  I loved the A4, before I turned it over to my daughter, and don't want to be disappointed with the '90 coupe quattro.  I also always liked the '88 80q, but it was underpowered, especially compared to the A4.  Is the increased power of the 20v engine in the '90 Coupe quattro going to be similar enough to the A4 to make the car enjoyable to drive?



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