License plates

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Mon Jan 26 17:11:26 EST 2004

Glad to hear "Baby" is keeping you moving when necessary, Dee.  You save
the Audi for when your high-speed car can't go?

BTW, I think your vanity plate is better than the Land Rollover's. 

At 10:01 PM 1/25/2004 -0500, DOUBLDz at wrote:
>Hello All:
>Been lurking for a long while. Had a bad spell with Baby but things (knock on 
>wood) seem to be all better now. My reason for writing is that I saw an 
>interesting vanity plate yesterday. The plate read QLYSS. It was on a Land 
>To me it sounded like a poor soul that had to give up his Audi in favor of an 
>SUV, albeit a Land Rover. Other possibilities abound, of course. Hope that
>of you guys that live for snow are enjoying this winter. I know, I for
one, am 
>grateful to have an Audi sitting in the driveway.
>Best Wishes,
>95A6q pearl 
>quattro mailing list
>quattro at

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