ads on the list

George Harris harchris at
Mon Jan 26 19:50:19 EST 2004

So far everyone agrees with Mike with the refinement proposed by Alan. 
Can we vote now.

I vote for Mike's guidelines as amended by Alan's refinement.


Alan Pritchard wrote:

 > Ads for business.... Theres a fine line there......
 > How about I a business starts selling a new product, which is 
 > of interest to us.... For example, tubular headers.... Would that not
 > warrant a brief note?
 > Best Regards,
 > Alan Pritchard,
 > Network administrator.
 > Seaeye Marine LTD.
 > +44 (0)1329 289000
 > [mailto:quattro-bounces at]On Behalf Of Mike Arman
 > Sent: den 26 januari 2004 14:16
 > To: quattro at
 > Subject: ads on the list
 > I don't have any problem with an occasional ad on the list - I find them
 > interesting, and useful to get an idea of what bits are selling for 
on the
 > "casual" marketplace.
 > I think what we might do is fine tune the policy - and we have not really
 > been abusing it, so this isn't a "sky is falling and we gotta fix it 
 > deal.
 > Personal stuff mentioned one or at most two times, OK. Should ALSO be on
 > marketplace.
 > Unique stuff found on eBay (or wherever), no personal interest, OK
 > Ads for businesses, not OK (belongs on vendor list)
 > Sig lines with the name of the business, OK (I don't mind knowing what
 > other listers do for a living)
 > Sig lines with name, phone number, fax, email, address, full product 
 > testimonials, we take credit cards etc. not OK (belongs on vendor list)
 > Commercial ads (dealers) for cars for sale, not OK (belongs on 
 > A few of us are going to have a problem no matter what - Joel 
Osserman, who
 > I believe is a leasing company, has a pretty specific sig line, but since
 > he doesn't abuse the list by posting his entire off-lease sales list 
 > two hours, I can't really see a problem. We have a number of other 
 > who make their living (or part of it) from the four rings, Phil Payne,
 > Scott Mockery (sp?), Cody Forbes (racing in S. Florida), Igor Kessel, and
 > these people contribute to the list on a regular basis, so THEIR sig line
 > is also part of their credentials.
 > Appeals for help from relatives of dead dictators to sneak $X million
 > dollars out of sub-Saharan countries and please don't tell anyone - take
 > 'em out and shoot 'em.
 > Best Regards,
 > Mike Arman
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