Idle stabilization control unit pinout?

a4kcstq at a4kcstq at
Tue Jan 27 11:59:27 EST 2004

You've got them correct so far.  I've added some info below.  This is reading from the '86 5kqt diagram out of Bentley.

2	K	(A/C control unit, +12V when A/C is operating)
5	31	Gnd
6	KA	(radiator afterrun control unit)
8	LS	Ign. coil through idle switch (ECU pin#20)
11	ST1	ISV
13	T	Gnd through engine temp sensor (NTC resistor)
14	15	+12V(?) through ign. switch
15	SAS	Deceleration cutoff valve (ECU pin#4)
17	1	Ign. coil

I'm not sure about your control unit.  I thought they used 2 relay sockets, not 3.  What type of car is it from?  Take a look at...
There's a bunch of good info about this ISS system.


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