
Mike Veglia msvphoto at pacbell.net
Tue Jan 27 13:34:35 EST 2004

In a message dated 1/26/2004 "Bob Tetrault" <r.tetrault at comcast.net> writes:
<< 4. Hydraulics. The dipstick needs to be kept topped up. Even half a quart low will induce ticking. Harmless. OTOH, the vacuum pump that supplements the manifold vacuum to the brake booster is a common source of ticking and removal of the pushrod will silence it forever. It is an artifact of  the Urq turbo setup and is not needed on the 4kq. >>
Bad advice. The vacuum pump _is not_ "an artifact of the Ur-Q setup" and is the only power assist source for the brakes on a 4kq. The Ur-Quattro does not have this pump (it uses the "bomb" for brake power assist). Best way to quiet them (besides keeping oil topped up and changed regularly) is to pull out the shaft, drain out and clean the crud, and lubricate with some synthetic oil. My current 4kq (my fourth one now) was the worst clacker I have had so far, and it has been quiet for a long time now. I realize there are folks who have disabled the power assist to get rid of the noise and not had an issue, but you are disabling the power assist and need to be very aware of doing so. Think frail S.O. on a long down grade with an engine that just quit--no assist could be a disaster in that case.
The 4kq in question sounds like a great deal to me. The "tranny issue" could be clutch hydraulics (a common and pretty easy to fix problem).

Mike Veglia
Motor Sport Visions Photography

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