cylinder index question

Brady Moffatt bradym at
Tue Jan 27 16:04:24 EST 2004

Hmm, interesting....

Do the engines have to have corresponding cars/boats/planes/bikes in this
calculation? 1 engine per car?

If so, then I'm way behind at 21/35.

If spare engines count, then I'm at 39/35. Now if I could just add 5 or 6 to
that total, I'd be ok for awhile.

Urq, 4kq, 4kq parts car, 240Z, 1 2.4L Z engine, 2 2.8L Z engines
8 transmissions while we're at it!

-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-bounces at [mailto:quattro-bounces at]On
Behalf Of Mike Arman

Cleaning off my desk, I find the discussion of the CI or "cylinder index".

The mark of a true motorsports enthusiast is when the total number of
cylinders in all the engines owned equals or exceeds the enthusiast's age.

Well I gotta prollem . . . how do we count rotary engines? Is each rotor
one, two or three cylinders?

(I need to go buy some more cars/airplanes/motorcycles - I've evidently
been slacking!!! My CI is only 35/57 or 36/57 or 37/57, and that isn't good

Best Regards,
Mike Arman

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