CS injector - CIS-E3 & Injector replacement & fuel testing [Re: Audi 100 Won't Start: Finally Starts !!!!!!!]

Kurt W. Deschler desch at WPI.EDU
Fri Jan 30 18:00:51 EST 2004

On Fri, 30 Jan 2004, Ben Swann wrote:

> Note 2 - even with brand new injector sleeves, I am replacing them as I
> messed them up a little as injectors became stuck inside.  I had to
> remove each line and force injector from sleeve on a vice.  It may be a
> good idea to have new ones on hand when R&R injectors/seals $3 ea. from
> dealer.  I could have re-used mine, but since I have the engine pretty
> with all this new stuff on it, I figured get new ones.  I can envision
> if injectors that have been in for a long time the sleeves might have to
> be cut off the injector just to be able to get a wrench on the line
> fittings to remove old injector.

How did you get the sleeves out without pulling the injectors. Are the 100
injectors a different style than the ones in the 5k?

When putting them back in and re-using the holders, polishing the tapered
surfaces with wet/dry paper makes insertion much easier and prevents
tearing the new o-rings.

> intention is to duplicate the factory wiring setup.  Now that I have a
> correct manual - lots of new info.  I am more prepared, as most of this
> information was not in the Bentley - at least not in a concise organised
> manner specific to CIS-EIII.  The wiring diagram varies slightly on this

Which book did you get?

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