help! typ44: exhaust smell when heater is on

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Fri Jan 30 19:55:06 EST 2004

At 02:53 PM 1/30/2004 -0500, JordanVw at wrote: 

>> Is the "flapper valve" in place in the big drain for the HVAC well? 
>  iwent thru the whole climate control system  and replaced the flapper seals
> w/ new ones and the spring holder thingy that always breaks so on and so
> forth..

The "flapper valve" I meant is the one that fills the 1 1/2 or 2-inch hole that
DRAINS the HVAC well.   I didn't mean the cabin door that opens for
recirculation when the A/C is operating.   If that rubber DRAIN seal is
missing, you have a largish opening from right behind the engine and a little
above the exhaust piping.

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