Are all 20V motors turbo? When did sequential injection start?

James Bell doublem at
Sat Jan 31 17:53:02 EST 2004


Robert Bosch is one of the good guys
in the injection business! Have you
heard of Old Joe Lucas? AKA "The Prince
of Darkness" Ask any BSA, Norton, Matchless
Or Triumph owner. Ask  N.A.S.A about
Sir Lucas!

20V motors.. 7A (NA)...3B(turbo)...AAN.(Turbo) Others?

J.B. in Idaho
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tyson Varosyan" <tigran at>
To: "Quattro at Audifans. Com (E-mail)" <quattro at>
Sent: Saturday, January 31, 2004 3:08 PM
Subject: Are all 20V motors turbo? When did sequential injection start?

> I had two separate dealers and an Audi salvage shop tell me that all 20V
> Audi motors were Turbo. However, I am reading the AudiWorld site now and
> they seem to be listing two versions of the 20V
> Also, how is injection done on those? I had a 85 4kcsq 5 cylinder which
> CIS-E system. I call the system Satan's child. At what point and on what
> motors did Audi change over to EFI and sequential injection?
> Tyson Varosyan
> Technical Manager, Uptime Technical Solutions LLC.
> tyson at
> 206-715-TECH (8324)
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