URGENT 90 tranny CV oil seal broken

James Bell doublem at srv.net
Sat Jan 31 22:21:48 EST 2004


It is a U shaped device with a draw bolt
in the center. It draws the trans shaft Out
of  C/V hub so as to access the circlip in
the end of the output shaft. VW/Audi type
tool. Find it in the Bentley manual.

The seal is $5-6 USD. No Problem.

J.B. in Idaho

----- Original Message -----
From: "Denis" <sparkplugvw at hotmail.com>
To: <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Saturday, January 31, 2004 5:12 PM
Subject: URGENT 90 tranny CV oil seal broken

Hi all, saturday the oil seal on the driver side is over and lot s of
tranny oil is on my drive way.

Can i change the seal without remove the tranny ?

I have ETKA and i cannot see how to remove the clip.

I have a 100Q tranny and the seal can be remove in the same way ,
but again i dont see how i can access to that clip. The clip is inside.


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