Message from Igor Kessel (Cross-country trip)

Aleshin at Aleshin at
Mon Jul 5 09:39:31 EDT 2004

Happy 4th of July everyone.

I am here in sunny So.Cal, Audi- and car- less at the moment. I drove
cross-country from PHL to LAX in order to hand deliver a gift for my mom: a
Toyota Corolla, her first car. Now I need to line up a ride home. W/o going into
too much detail I'll just say that alas, flying is not an option.
Does anyone by a chance need a car delivered from the West coast to anywhere in
the Philly/NYC/NJ area? I will gladly drive it for you. Give me a yell at
ikessel at My friend Igor Aleshin will post this message for me 'coz
for some reason my attempts to temporary sub the yahoo e-mail address to the
audifans lists have failed.

Thx and happy holidays everyone.
Igor Kessel
two turbo quattros... in the garage back in Philly

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