5KTQ wierdness...

Stephen Ankney ankneys at hotmail.com
Thu Jul 8 02:03:10 EDT 2004


My 5ktq has developed a bad attitude lately.

At WOT at around 4,000 rpm's it goes from rich to way lean and is way down 
on power.

I monitor this behavior with a A/F gauge. I know this isn't too relaible of 
a way to monitor my fuel supply but I can feel the car retarding the timing 
so I know something is amiss.

I first noticed the behavior as I was blasting down a highway onramp. I 
noticed the instrument cluster flicker and then watched as the A/F gauge 
instantly dipped into the red indicating a lean condition and the engine 
felt "underpowered". I thought this was strange so I repeated a couple 
morepulls with the same behavior from the A/F gauge. The cluster did not 
flick anymore but right before I got home it went completely out and then 
came on? Like I said, strange.

Any ideas? I'm stumped. I'm not sure how any of this could be connected?

I though maybe a shared bad ground somewhere so I cleaned up a couple of 
connections and the problem still persists.

The car has a IA chip and still makes 12 psi. There is no overboosting 
problem. That was the first thing I checked.

Any ideas?


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