5KTQ wierdness...

Stephen Ankney ankneys at hotmail.com
Fri Jul 9 04:53:40 EDT 2004


I haven't checked this yet due to the fact that everytime I do pull it off 
it's a real PITA to get back on :)


>From: Eric_R_Kissell at whirlpool.com
>To: "Stephen Ankney" <ankneys at hotmail.com>
>CC: quattro at audifans.com
>Subject: Re: 5KTQ wierdness...
>Date: Thu, 8 Jul 2004 07:50:04 -0400
>"Stephen Ankney" <ankneys at hotmail.com> wrote:
> >At WOT at around 4,000 rpm's it goes from rich to way lean
> >and is way down on power.
>Do you have a crack in the "waffle igloo" rubber elbow on the top of the
>airflow meter box?
>You might have a crack opening up allow unmeasured air into the intake
>before the turbo.
>This would allow proper boost but cause a lean condition because not all of
>the air gets measured.

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