Update- 91 200TQ-20v rear glass

Paul Cole pcole at mn.rr.com
Fri Jul 9 21:08:39 EDT 2004

First thanks to all that responded to my question.
The good news- the glass is in, the "Quattro" logo is in the defrost lines
( it was "real" Sekurit glass) and the installer didn't  muck up much.
( some glass in the truck channel and a little glue on the C-pillar)

The bad news- it[ glass] is missing the rear embedded antenna.
I think this is a 200 feature ( 20VT only ?) so I'm thinking it's
a generic 5k glass. 

Anyhow- one can still get the [mostly] correct rear glass-
just don't depend on an the  dealer[YMMV] to ship it in one piece.
( local dealer is 0/2 and I finally had to find a 3rd party
that stocked the correct piece)

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