Inappropriate advertising on Q-list, was re: S4 trans swap?

Brett Dikeman brett at
Mon Jul 12 01:59:59 EDT 2004

This thread has crossed the line of acceptable content for Audifans 
lists- specifically, some messages by some folks have been personal 
attacks on other listers.

I have the list admin password, and I'm getting very itchy to try out 
the "hold posts by these email addresses for administrative 
approval", so anyone who continues to post in this thread should bear 
that in mind.  With about 200 spams per day held for approval filling 
the queue, guess what happens to the queue?  Hint- more "delete 
everything" than "lets look through 100 purple pill emails to see if 
someone's post got held by accident".

Emre- tone down the referrals to Shokan please, given your close 
relationship with them, or disclose, EVERY time you do, that you are 
a friend of management/whatever.  Audifans policy is that you cannot 
advertise or solicit business on list.

To the entire list: If a post is suspected of violating Audifans 
policy, first bring it up with the poster.  They may not be aware of 
policy etc, and generally peer "review" is quite effective.  Failing 
that- bring it up with Dan (dans at or myself; email him 
first, me second if you don't hear from him after a while(2 kids, 
long commute, busy job- don't expect instant replies from him).  If 
it's incredibly urgent, such as a thread getting out of control fast, 
email us both.  You may not hear back from either one of us 
immediately or at all.  Sorry.  It's helpful if you provide links to 
the post in the archives(kinda tough) or more conveniently, copies of 
messages.  Please also email us if you get harassed by another lister 
privately- we obviously can't control it or do much, but who knows, 
maybe a "cut the crap or you're off the list" will do the trick.

Eric, regarding the private email(which Phil then put on-list, which 
he had little business doing, but that's another issue entirely) 
objecting over his sig, I find absolutely nothing wrong with Phil's 
signature on any level.

Phil, objecting to content because it is US-based is pretty absurd 
considering a huge percentage(if not majority) of the list is 
US-based.  Further, when you post information about UK businesses and 
such, I cannot remember -ever- hearing anyone complain on list about 
your info being UK specific.

Listers are encouraged to read the informative bit under the Help 
section linked off the main page, which I wrote a year or two back 
and has the Dan Simoes Stamp Of Approval(TM).

"They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin

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