High perf tire selection question

David duandcc_forums at cox.net
Wed Jul 14 16:52:40 EDT 2004

From: zsolt1 at telusplanet.net
Date: 2004/07/14 Wed PM 02:04:15 EDT
To: joel nevin <joelnevin at yahoo.com>
CC: qlist <quattro at audifans.com>
Subject: Re: High perf tire selection question

I own a set of both on 2 different cars, and I don't like any of them. They 
both track, and the Sumitomos are very loud. I'd get the Kumho or spend some 
more money and get the S03.


Quoting joel nevin <joelnevin at yahoo.com>:

> Yokohama's AVS es100
> Sumitomo's HTR ZII
> Kumho's
> I want cheap but good.
> Just got a nice set of 17" BBS I am putting on my 2.7t
> Thanks
> Joel
> =====
> "Never argue with an idiot, they drag you down to their level, then beat you
> with experience."
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AVS es100 are my summer tires, in 195/50/15. I love them...

87 CGT 2.3 (also incorrectly called a 1987.5)
SE Virginia

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