88 5ksq Rear Wheeling Bearing C-Clip Removal

David Kavanagh audiguy at gmail.com
Wed Jul 14 23:07:17 EDT 2004

I've usually just pried one end out and start peeling. If you can use
a punch to get one end freed up, you are good to go. Just make sure
you have a new one on hand. The little hole in the end makes a place
for the punch to catch hold. Plenty of liquid wrench or PB blaster
can't hurt either.


On Wed, 14 Jul 2004 21:30:10 -0400, gwbutler <gwbutler at net1plus.com> wrote:
> Hello All,
> I'm having a hard time removing the inside C-clip retaining the rear wheel bearing on my 88 5ksq.  The C-clip and seat are pretty well oxidized.  I've tried soaking the surfaces with a really good solvent...to no avail.  Has anyone ever successfully removed a rusted C-clip?  Any tricks/recommendations?  TIA
> George B.
> 84 4ksq
> 88 5ksq
> Massachusetts
> P.S. I am using a C-clip removing tool...or trying to.-GB
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