[LAC] Daily amusement

Yoder, W. douglas yoderw at msoe.edu
Tue Jul 20 22:57:17 EDT 2004

The trip computer on my 87 5kcstq did this yesterday:
(Sorry for the crappy picture quality - it's in "Miles to Empty" mode).

Yes, I know how to fix it... adjust the little DIP switches on the back
of the instrument cluster... and yes, I didn't use that to fake this
pic, heh. (it's enough work to take it out once to fix it, much less

Now, if only I actually *did* get 50+ MPG!

|    Doug Yoder    |   wdy at zordok.net   |    http://www.zordok.net/    |
|  Don't tell me the sky's the limit...                                |
|                                  ...there's footprints on the moon.  |

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