removing rear quarter window from part-out Avant

John Larson j.d.larson at
Thu Jul 22 14:59:35 EDT 2004

Ben Swann wrote:

>I spent the better part of 3 hours and had the rear quarter window
>to the point of doing the victory dance - it was hanging from the
>top rubber sealant after carefully cutting around. Giving it a
>steady pull as the remaining sealant was slowly pealing away while
>thinking I had it made, but for some reason the thing exploding into
>a million pieces!

Then Brett said:

Kind of surprising- I would have thought the stuff would be safety
glass and hence crack, but not "explode".

So Dan sez:

I thought that was the point behind safety glass - no big pieces left to
slice open the skin.......?

 And John sez:

Windshields are 2 layers of glass sandwiched around .030 of plastic.  This
prevents it from becoming a million little projectiles.  Side glass, while
also called "safety" glass, isn't the same thing.  It's tempered, and what
you saw was it losing it's temper and blowing up.  (Sorry, I couldn't
resist!)  Kinda like teasing your cat ..................  Tempered glass is
supposed to do what this window did, greaking into tiny pieces, preventing
huge dagger-like shards from flying about. An added feature is those little
bits can (and do!)get into the tiniest and most out of the way places all
over your car ................................   John

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