'88 5ktqa brake warning light mystery

Bernard Littau bernardl at acumenassociates.com
Fri Jul 23 17:02:09 EDT 2004

Hi Ben,

The ((!)) is the brake pad wear symbol.  While you may have continuity 
to the pad sensor itself, and certainly through the jumper, you likely 
have a break somewhere upstream in the wiring.  Bummer.

The Red triangle is the brake failure warning.  It is triggered by low 
pentosin fluid level, low brake fluid level, or low pentosin pressure at 
the brake booster.  It sounds like in your case, it's low pentosin 
pressure because of a bad bomb.  Do the bomb test and see how many pedal 
presses you have before the pedal gets hard.


Bernard Littau
Woodinville, WA
'88 5ktq

Ben Swann wrote:

>Ever since I have put this '88 5ktq avant back together again and pretty much eliminated any quirks, a problem still eludes me.  Brake pads are relatively new all-around, all reserviors full and power steering pump has been changed to known good working one, fresh pentosin hydr. fluid, etc.  Yet I get this brake warning symbol when the ignition is turned on, regardless of whether engine is running or not.  This is the Brake or ((!)) symbol which stays on for the duration while ignition is on.  Occasionally I get a red triangle warning for brake pads worn when I step on the pedal hard/more forceful braking.  I checked the lead to the padwear indicator and both sides in front have continuity, and being sceptical, I bypassed them with a jumper wire, but it doesn't  help.

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