Safety glass NOW under water
mikemk40 at
Fri Jul 23 19:43:20 EDT 2004
years ago in my younger and even more foolish days i
used to rally a mark 1 cortina which ended up on it's
roof...i was unhurt until i undid my belt and fell on
my head, i got out by kicking the windscreen out
more recently a tv prog in the uk (top gear?) did an
item on the best way out of a car in water...waiting
for the car to fill up didn't work, conclusion was get
out as soon as you can
--- Jim Haseltine <jim_haseltine at> wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <SuffolkD at>
> > Brett: While the continuation of your
> explaination covers this, I'd be
> > willing to bet the electrics would short out under
> water, so unless the
> driver had
> > the presence of mind after impact to "put down the
> windows", I'd say its
> wait
> > for the cabin to fill up so the equallized
> pressure allows a door to open.
> > (one that's not damaged in the impact.)
> >
> > Granted you'd "swim" out the window if you got it
> down. No expirence, but
> I
> > did watch Fear Factor
> It's surprising but true, low current 12v circuits
> still work when totally
> submerged in water. Granted, you'd not want to run
> them for too long and
> you'd need to strip & rebuild them if you wanted to
> use them again.
> The difficult thing is getting out of the window -
> years ago in a snowstorm
> I put a car into a 8' ditch, it laid there on the
> drivers side, gradually
> filling with freezing cold water. Released my seat
> belt (not easy at that
> angle) and had the sense to open the passenger
> window but I couldn't get
> enough leverage to push myself out. Eventually, by
> bracing my feet on the
> trans tunnel I managed to open the passenger door -
> rather like the hatch on
> a tank - and climb up to the side of the road.
> Maybe it would have been easier had the ditch been
> full and deep enough for
> me to swim but it's not something that I'd like to
> try again.
> Regards,
> Jim Haseltine.
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