Rear Brake Caliper Disassembly Question

Fred Munro munrof at
Fri Jul 23 21:52:13 EDT 2004


Check out this link - it has the Lucas rebuild instructions complete with
parts drawing.


Fred Munro
'94 S4

-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-bounces at
[mailto:quattro-bounces at]On Behalf Of bob dobbs
Sent: July 23, 2004 2:11 PM
To: quattro at
Subject: Rear Brake Caliper Disassembly Question

I have disassembled one of the Girling 36 rear
calipers on my '86 5000CD Turbo Quattro in an attempt
to fix a sticky e-brake (cables, etc. are all fine,
problem appears to be a sticking actuator shaft). I
have read several postings concerning this operation
on various Audi boards, and most of them refer to a
spring inside the caliper, under the circlip and metal
disc that hold the threaded stud in place. I could
find no spring, and nothing flew out and lodged in my
forehead when I pulled the threaded stud, etc. out.
All the other parts were there (o-ring, steel "pill").
Should there be a spring in there, or am I dealing
with another animal all together?

There has been previous brake/drivetrain work done on
this car, as evidenced by copious amounts of
anti-seize on many parts (some of which should have
been slathered in locking compound), so this is making
me wonder if some johnson pulled the calipers apart
and was left with an "extra" part.

Please excuse any blatant ignorance. Help would be
greatly appreciated since there is now an Audi
languishing on blocks among the other derelict
vehicles in the back yard.

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