quattro handling at the edge

SuffolkD at aol.com SuffolkD at aol.com
Tue Jul 27 15:45:04 EDT 2004

Take the car to a wet, insanely large parking lot without street lamp POSTS, 
and start a constant radius circle at 25 - 30 MPH, then increase the throttle 
lightly get get understerr then test the limits by further accelerating or 
jabbing the throttle during your "orbits" around and around........
She'll come around even at 35MPH.
360's can be pulled off above 50MPH with some looking over the sholder, in 
the wet.
-Scott by BOSTON

> From: lws at o-o.yi.org
> Subject: RE: quattro handling at the edge
> Unfortunately, it's hard to find a snowy parking lot in July.  But I do
> find heavy rain on the highways sometimes, and I'm just not comfortable
> not knowing where the boundaries are.
> The car is a stock '99 A8, so it's pretty sedate.  It's also kind of
> heavy.  It's definitely a big change from my Prelude.  I used to have a
> jones for the aluminum body and stainless exhaust, so when I saw this one
> for sale (and the price was right) I jumped on it. But it's a lot of car
> for me.  Anybody want to trade for an A6?
> My comments about RWD and FWD were just based on what has worked for me in
> heavy snow with the cars I have owned.  

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