[V8] Help, no start v8
sdewitt at stx.rr.com
sdewitt at stx.rr.com
Thu Jul 29 16:16:32 EDT 2004
I'm confident a starter from a 20V will work, as it has the same dimensions, however it is reated with less power.
The ring gear isn't too expensive, 60 bucks from the dealer, but you might want to use a ring gear from a 5000, I'm pretty sure they are the same as well.
----- Original Message -----
From: dsaad at icehouse.net
Date: Thursday, July 29, 2004 3:02 pm
Subject: Re: [V8] Help, no start v8
> I REALLY hope that it is only the starter that is bad. First step
> is to pull it
> and inspect. You will have to rotate the crank by hand and inspect
> the ring gear
> teeth through the starter hole. If those are toast you will need
> to replace the
> ring gear - and probably the starter drive gear too.
> Being new to the V8 it is unlikely you have a manual. If you have
> a fast network
> connection let me know and I can upload (640 Megs) it to you.
> Otherwise I am
> sure someone else would burn you a copy. I would offer that too
> but my burner
> has disappeared. Coincidently, my 8 year old son has taken up
> "fixing" stuff. I
> have been finding misc. electronic parts all over the house.
> If this car is in even half way decent shape, it will be worth it
> to get it
> running again. You have one of about only 100 5 speeds in the
> country. They are
> a rare and wonderful beast - but the flywheel and starter may cost
> more than you
> paid for the car!!
> Dave
> Quoting lschor <lschor at westga.edu>:
> > I'm new to the list having purchased a v8 5 speed (black over
> travertine> w/sport seats)a few weeks ago. Every once in a while I
> would turn the key to
> > start and get a sound not unlike turning a car to start when the
> engine is
> > already running. Each time, the next turn of the key worked
> fine. I was
> > wondering if the starter was beginning to go. Today, it would
> not start at
> > all. There is a slight whirring sound when I try but it is not
> the starter
> > turning. The windows work so it is getting some current. To
> deepen the
> > mystery, when I bought the car, the previous owner said he had
> starting> problems and had just replaced the battery. Any ideas
> other than parting it
> > out to sell the rare sport seats? I really want this car to be a
> keeper.> Thanks in advance for any help.
> >
> > Larry
> >
> >
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