Leaking brake pressure regulator in '87 4kq

Luis Felipe Patiño lpatino at nethere.com
Fri Jul 30 03:37:15 EDT 2004

Dear Audifans:

my 4kq's brake pressure regulator is leaking about 500 mL of brake fluid
every 3 days. I keep it topped off, never even letting it get to the 'min'
mark. The fluid leaks from the depression in the cylindrical bulge that has
that depression with something that looks like a hex bolt head sticking out
of it.

Can this leak be stopped _safely_?

Although I searched the archives to see if these leaks could be fixed, all
the articles merely said to replace the brake pressure regulator because
"it's cheap."

Well, to me it isn't: I am in such serious financial straits right now that
even $10 mean whether I eat or not that day. Still, I must keep my great q
braking safely.

OTOH, maybe a kind fellow audi lover could send a good used brake pressure
regulator my way...

Thank you all, your help is very much appreciated,

Luis Felipe Patino

PS please email me directly, too, since I get the digest version of the

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