4kq drive axle measurements need

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Fri Jul 30 15:19:29 EDT 2004

Are the 4kq axles different from 5kq axles?  I thought all the manual
tranny versions had the same axle at all four corners.  I have several 5kq
axles that are more or less 24 1/2 inches long from the inner flange to the
end of the outer shaft.

At 02:36 PM 7/30/2004 -0400, Jpinkowish at aol.com wrote:
>Hi folks,
>If a lister has off-the-car spare drive axles with CV joints attached, 
>would(could) you please take an overall end-to-end measurement and send it 
>Please list which application(driver or pass front, rear).
>A former lister gave me an axle ass'y but doesn't know where it goes!
>I have Bentley, but the measurements given are for the axles only(-CV joints).
>Jan Pinkowish
>'85 4ksq
>quattro mailing list
>quattro at audifans.com

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